David Hall-Green: British Repertory Theatre in the 1960s

David Hall-Green: British Repertory Theatre in the 1960s

“Rep”, as it has been known for scores of years, has been the hard-knocks training ground of many famous (and not so famous) actors.  Although for obvious reasons, the vast majority of them have been British, there have been a few South Africans who have taken the plunge into unfamiliar waters abroad, including Patrick Mynhardt, Estelle Kohler, Syd James and Lawrence Harvey. As we know, Syd James became one of the leading lights of the “Carry On” team, while Lawrence Harvey had a distinguished career as a leading actor on screen. 

Weekly Rep involved joining a theatre company for either a summer or a winter season of roughly twenty weeks and performing a new play every week.  This is very different from Repertoire Theatre, where four or five plays are repeated throughout the season.  Weekly Rep meant rehearsing the next play during the day while performing the current play each night and then going home to study the script for the next morning’s rehearsal.  

After DAVID HALL-GREEN started in British Rep at the age of 21 in 1960, he worked and toured with various theatrical companies throughout the 1960s.  He will share with us some of his often hilarious anecdotes, liberally illustrated with his personal photographs, theatre programmes and posters – recalling a long-gone era of more than half a century ago. 

Phone Mike Kantey at 072 628 5131 for further information.

Seats are limited and unreserved, so come early if you want to be sure of a good seat.

Admiral Theo Honiball: “That Sinking Feeling”

Admiral Theo Honiball: “That Sinking Feeling”

“That Sinking Feeling”

The Van Plettenberg Historical Society is privileged to kick-start their new programme in 2019 with a visit from Rear Admiral Theo Honiball, who will talk about his days as a commander of a French-built flotilla of Daphne-Class submarines.

Starting as a young man in the South African Navy, Admiral Honiball had an illustrious career, lasting over 30 years, during which time he served on board 19 warships from seven countries, including: Argentina, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, and the United States.

Seconded to the National Intelligence Service at the State Security Council under past President P.W. Botha, Admiral Honiball was awarded the Southern Cross Medal and the Military Merit Medal, while serving in France.

His biggest claim, however, is that he is the sole surviving commander of a Daphne-Class submarine.
Admiral Honniball has suggested the title of his talk to the Society as “That Sinking Feeling”.

SPEAKER: Admiral Theo Honiball