Our Talks
Curtis Marean – Palaeoscience Research
https://youtu.be/b1RqPBtthzY Videoed & Edited by Fred Vorster – Follow on Youtube
George von dem Bussche: The Forests of the Southern Cape
Admiral Theo Honiball: “That Sinking Feeling”
“That Sinking Feeling” The Van Plettenberg Historical Society is privileged to kick-start their new programme in 2019 with a visit from Rear Admiral Theo Honiball, who will talk about his days as a commander of a French-built flotilla of Daphne-Class submarines....
Leigh Dunn: The Coloured folk of Plett
The Dunn and Harker families of Plett having a picnic at Robberg in 1948. https://youtu.be/q4xPOIQX4YA?si=6fUYqY_tniJOX89U “The Coloured folk of Plett, how they were moved from the CBD by the Group Areas Act No. 41 of 27 April 1950, and a few related anecdotes” –...
A talk given by Paul Scheepers who served as the Mayor of Plettenberg Bay during 1992, 1993 and 1994.
Dr Clive Noble: Cecil John Rhodes: Was he part of a secret society?
A History of the Nuclear Struggle in South Africa
18 January 2018, Mike Kantey, National Chairperson Coalition Against Nuclear Energy (CANE) Download the presentation Atoms for Peace Address by Mr Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America, to the 470th Plenary Meeting of the United Nations...
GUY BUTLER (1918-2001) – South African poet, academic and playwright
David Butler, Headmaster of Greenwood Bay College in Plettenberg Bay speaks about his father Professor Guy Butler. The following is a transcript of David’s talk which is largely unedited. “I am fully aware that a lot of you may have known my father either as students...
FEAST AND FAMINE’ – The Fishing Industry of Plettenberg Bay
A talk given by Karin Kastern In the Knysna Plett Herald of 24 August 2017, we are introduced to the youngest leaders in the fishing industry of Plettenberg Bay, Wayne Craig and Peter-Blaine Dodds. I will take you back, and relate some history of how these young men...
“A failed experiment” The Silkworm Industry of Gouna
Speaker: Rayno Sciocattis In 1881 Rayno Sciocatti’s Italian ancestors were brought out by the Cape Government to start a silk industry in Gouna – about 14 miles northwest of Knysna and over 900 meters above sea level. The immigrants were farming people of substance...
Paul Scheepers: Rosalind Ballingall
Speaker: Paul Scheepers In 1969 When I was a student at UCT there were other students who shared our cafeteria. There was one striking girl. Six foot tall, slim very pretty with red hair and wore a hippy dress down to the ground This was Rosalind ...
Sophy Gray
SPEAKER: NATIE DE SWART Sophy or Sophia Gray was a multi-faceted person who happened to be a woman. It would be easy to talk about her and her achievements for a long time. What I would like to do is to talk about the person and to put her in...
The glory and demise of the Kingdom of the two Sicilies.
Speaker: Dr Giovanni Coci I was born in Naples, Southern Italy and I am quite passionate about the culture and the history of this beautiful part of the world. The purpose of my talk is to share with you some facts about the history of Southern Italy which may not be...
The De Poort Murders of 1802
A United Front of Khoikhoin Gounaqua & Amagqunukhwebe SPEAKER: Mike Kantey Events leading up to the 19th Century The first major driver behind the dispossession and fateful resistance of the indigenous and migrant African tribes of what became South Africa...
The Battle of Omdurman
SPEAKER: David Hall-Green The country which we know today as Sudan is the biggest on the African continent. It would virtually swallow up most of Western Europe without so much as a hearty belch. The ancient Egyptians called it Nubia, and it was the source of slaves...